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Kangaroo Paw (Anigozanthos)

The kangaroo paw is well known for its striking and unusual look. Its flowers closely resemble that of an animal's outstretched paw. It is considered an exotic flower and is highly prized by florists.

Many gardeners find it relatively easy to grow as an ornamental plant. It may also be grown in order to harvest it for cut floral bouquets. It will provide many years of color when it is properly cared for.

This flower can be special ordered in the St. Paul, MN, Raleigh, NC, Lakewood, CO, Concord, CA, and Nashua, NH areas. These normally come in the form of plants rather than bouquets but can sometimes be found or special ordered for cut bouquets.

Kangaroo Paw - Species Information And Description

Anigozanthos flavidus, the Tall Kangaroo, is a fairly common species. It is widely used in order to create hybrids for better cultivation. It can adapt to most changes in weather or soil conditions readily.

The flower can appear as red in many of the hybrids being created. Some rare versions may appear with green or yellow flower colors. These rare colors offer an even more unique look in a home garden.

A. manglesii is often admired for its red and green appearance. It is widely used as a cut bloom as it has a very long life in vases. This species can produce blossoms well into the fall in some cases.

Growing Information And Uses For Landscapes Or Gardens

In cultivation, Kankaroo Paw often live shorter than the average. The average for cultivated plants is between three and five years. In the wild these unusual blooming plants often last for far longer.

Spring and summer will bring blossoms once the plant has matured. It will go dormant during the winter and continue growth in spring. Thinning may become necessary if the plants begin to get crowded.

Over watering is a common problem many gardeners will experience. Too much rain or too heavy of watering can lead to rapid disease. Rot may occur if the soil does not drain properly after watering.

Some of the species can adapt to almost any soil condition available. These species can be used for areas that have poor soil conditions. Some other species may prefer soil that is more sandy than others.

Sunlight requirements can vary greatly for the area and the species. Some may prefer more shaded locations, such as under a tree canopy. Others may need partial or full sun in order to thrive and bloom.

Popular Symbolism And Common Uses For The Flowers

The most common meaning for the bloom is uniqueness and individuality. The reason for this meaning is because of its unusual appearance. The exotic nature of it makes it a prized blossom for a bouquet.

To create a touching message, they can be combined with other blooms. They can be combined to mean a unique love, or a unique friendship. Some may also prefer to add other exotic blossoms to their bouquet.

It is frequently grown as an ornamental plant for home landscapes. It can be grown in a container, in a flower garden or along a house. Their appearance makes them popular for creating splashes of color.

The low pollen count makes them ideal for those with pollen allergies. This makes them a popular choice for bouquets and garden plants. It also makes it possible to give flowers to those who have allergies.

These also have a very long vase life compared to some other species. To extend the life, leaves should be removed and water changed often. This will help keep the Kangaroo Paw looking fresh for much longer.

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Kangaroo Paw (Anigozanthos)

Kangaroo Paw (Anigozanthos)

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